Southwest Medical Center

315 W 15th st

Liberal, KS 67901

Home / Disclaimer

This estimate is just that, an estimate. This estimate cannot be relied on as the final total charge for services received. Actual expenses can vary from patient to patient, depending upon your doctor's treatment and your particular healthcare needs.

The estimated patient cost is based on the information you will enter. If you have met all or part of your deductible or out-of-pocket expenses, that actual amount you owe may be different. The estimated cost is not a guarantee of insurance coverage. You will need to check with your insurance carrier if you need assistance in understanding your benefits.

I have read and understood the above disclaimer and limitations, and I fully understand. This is only an estimate and my actual charges may be different from the estimate.

In compliance with the CMS Price Transparency rules effective on 01/01/2022, please click the link below that applies to you.

Download hospital Charges / price listing in CSV.

Download hospital Shoppables / price listing in CSV.

Download hospital Disclaimer in CSV.

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